Saturday, September 5, 2015

Encourage your legislature to support the Historic Tax Credits in the State budget.

Watching Raleigh...Credits and Districts
Two legislative items have grown active in recent weeks related to historic preservation.

1) The state budget is in final negotiations and we all must voice our support to ensure that Historic Tax Credits remain a top priority and are a part of final budget details. The last nine months have seen Historic Tax Credits move from being seldom mentioned to receiving hundreds of supportive articles and editorials which has led to a fair chance for re-in statement.

Keep this all-important issue in the forefront of the our Senators and Representatives with a call or email today! This issue is about construction jobs, community reinvestment, safe housing, strong neighborhoods, and cultural/heritage tourism. Preservation works for Greensboro.

2) Preservationists across the state have learned about the introduction of HB 799 by Rep. Mark Brody of Union/Anson counties. Rep. Brody has been sympathetic to those who have tried to challenge historic district guidelines in our own historic village of Oak Ridge.

The bill includes a provision (Subsection (e) on page 2) whereby a property owner could go through a process to opt-out and be removed from historic district overlay. This could result in portions of districts being carved out to create "Swiss cheese" neighborhoods in which construction incongruous with the historic district would be permitted. The Opt Out
provision is an unsettling precedent for zoning laws - it goes against the basic premise of zoning, that everyone in a zoning district is treated similarly.

If you support historic preservation, please contact your Guilford County Delegation:
Rep. Blust 336-274-4658 Ext. 121
Rep. Brockman  919-733-5825
Rep. Faircloth 336-841-4137
Rep. Hardister 919-733-5191
Rep. Harrison 919-733-5771
Rep. Johnson 336-988-6001
Sen. Berger 919-733-5708
Sen. Robinson 919-715-3042
Sen. Wade 919-733-5856

Please be courteous in what you say. We do not want a negative stir due to the district revisions to impact Historic Tax Credit re-instatement. Kindy let them know that as a resident and voter, you do support Historic Tax credits and do not support HB 799.

This summer has been one that will not soon be forgotten by those in North Carolina's historic preservation community. Please feel free to pass this email along to others who might be willing to help our efforts. Fingers crossed!

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